It’s always great when patrons initiate programs at the library because then we know that at least one person will show up. So when a young teen come to us this summer and said he would like the library to offer a Yu-Gi-Oh! Club we were willing to look into the possibility.
Face it most of us here at TDL are of a certain age where we are lucky to know what Yu-Gi-Oh! is let alone know how to play it. We scheduled an open play day and had the teens and tweens bring their decks in to play. Well they did, they came and kept coming. A dozen players gathered at the library on Saturday and played. Some attended without knowing how and those who did were willing to share their decks and teach them. Iw was exciting to see and plans have been made to continue holding a Yu-Gi-Oh! Open Play program every other Saturday from Noon-2:00 PM. The next one is scheduled for August 17th.
We want to be able to provide playing decks for anyone who shows up to learn how to play so if you have outgrown your Yu-Gi-Oh! days (if that’s even possible) please feel free to drop off your old cards at the library and we will make them available on our game days.